First Ever Karen Health Resources Fair

A Karen boys soccer team visits an info booth about raising the legal tobacco age to 21

WellShare International and the Karen Organization of Minnesota’s Karen Tobacco Free Program hosted the first ever Karen Health Resources Fair this August! The event included a kids soccer tournament, women’s volleyball tournament, a poetry contest and an art contest. All of these activities related to the overarching theme of “health”.

Rows of tables at the outdoor resources fair KOM staff seated at the KOM table at the resource fairOther than the family-friendly activities, the resource fair hosted a variety of organizations and programs (over 20 total!). The organizations included the Minnesota Department of Health, Community Dental Clinic, Association for Non-Smokers MN, Hmong American Partnership, Family Tree Clinic, and many more! Overall, their various tables offered valuable information and resources for Karen families.

We want to make sure that the Karen community has access to more health resources to lead healthy lives. Therefore, we hope to continue to partner with organizations like these in Minnesota.

To see more photos from the event, visit the Karen Tobacco Free Program’s Facebook Page.

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