Additional Resources



  • Little Daughter by Zoya Phan – Zoya Phan was born in the jungles of Burma to her parents, who were both resistance fighters for the Karen. When she was 14 years old, the Burmese military attacked her village and she fled to Thailand for safety. After living in a refugee camp, she received a scholarship to study at a university in Bangkok. Once she graduated, she returned to her homeland and was empowered to do something more for her Karen people. She moved to England to continue her studies with her older sister, and shortly after, appeared on BBC to share her story and give light to the situation in Burma. She now works with Burma Campaign UK and is the founder of the Phan Foundation.


  • Ger Kler: A Journey of Untold Strength – This 26-minute documentary was made by St. John’s University and College of St. Benedict students in 2014. It features interviews with refugees from Burma in the refugee camps in Thailand and in Minnesota.
  • The Road: A Journey Into Burma’s War-Torn Karen State – This 42-minute documentary made in 2006 follows the journey of four friends from California as they set out on a mission to expose the atrocities being done to the Karen people in Burma.

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